Meet the Team

Nigel Ellis

Technical Sales Adviser

Nigel lives on a 120 acre farm in the Tanat Valley near Llanrhaedr Ym Mochnant and took on the family farm 3 years ago. He currently runs 350 Aberfield and Texel X ewes. They first used Innovis rams on the farm 2 years ago and have been very impressed with the growth rates and weight gain on the Innovis Texel and Abermax rams.

Nigel has worked in Agriculture Sales in various roles for over 25 years and is eager and enthusiastic about working with Innovis and building good business relationships with new and existing customers,

07539 062378

For more information, or to discuss your options, please get in touch on 01970 828236 to talk to someone at the Innovis Head Office.

Welsh Testimonials

Robert and Tracy Powell are making more from less having replaced a traditional hill unit with a forage focused system. Introducing Innovis forage bred and reared genetics, and Rob says:

“We have the sheep we want to do the job and they’re enabling us to reduce production costs. “Introducing the Aberfield to our Epynt Hardy ewes and swapping a portion of the Continental rams for the Abermax is enabling us to both finish lambs to target weight one week earlier and reduce ram power. We’re able to introduce the Abermax in a ratio of one to 80 ewes and the Aberfield, one to 100 ewes.”

Robert and Tracy Powell – Powys